通用住房应用程序  能力建设 持续护理 协调入境制度 文件共享 资金 HMIS 无家可归的数 资源管理系统 住房扩展 LA-HOP 法律事务 MyOrg  政策 退伍军人名单 环境服务管理(现金娱乐网注册职员) 五强所有应用程序


现金娱乐网注册’s 协调入境制度 (消费电子产品展) reflects a human-centered 和 community-driven approach that guides individuals from street homelessness to interim 和 permanent housing. 安置系统提供了一系列的方案 support people experiencing homelessness on their unique journey towards safe 和 stable housing. 目前,现金娱乐网注册正在创新,让人们更快地完成他们的永久住房之旅.

现金娱乐网注册 collaborates closely with service providers across all parts of Los Angeles City 和 County to ensure programs work efficiently for each participant. This approach acknowledges that different people will take different paths to permanent housing. The rehousing system’s success hinges on a careful balance 和 availability of interim 和 permanent housing.


为了实现其目标,该系统需要均衡地分配资源. 现金娱乐网注册 has developed a funding plan that outlines how the different types of programs work together 和 how much of each resource is needed to support the rapid movement of people off the 街道和住房. The funding plan allows 现金娱乐网注册 to clearly articulate system needs to our funders 和 set strategic investment priorities aligned with our system vision.

从历史上看, 现金娱乐网注册的主要角色是赠款管理人, 外包资金和监测绩效. 虽然资助者的作用很重要,但我们街道上的紧急情况需要更多. 现金娱乐网注册现在正在转向一种更实际的方法 Active System Management (ASM) to support programs on the ground to reduce unsheltered homelessness. The goal of Active System Management is to ensure each program within the rehousing system is moving people off the streets 和 进入永久性住房 as efficiently as possible. 现金娱乐网注册 is expediting implementation of Active System Management across the rehousing system to address the homelessness crisis. 有几百个承包商,超过12个,安置部门有000名员工, 培训, 通信必须与供应商一起部署 工作人员要确保每个人一起行动,减少无家可归的人.

Active System Management focuses on the specific role of each program in the larger housing process. The rehousing system is most effective in driving people through the housing process when each program has a clear focus on the core activities that need to happen at each stage, 允许项目人员在过程中为每个参与者实现他们的目标.

来支持这个新方法, 现金娱乐网注册 has developed a robust external meeting structure to implement 和 drive the established goals 和 behaviors for each program type 和 identify 和 resolve the barriers 和 problems preventing providers from moving people through the system 进入永久性住房.

1. 外联和营地解决方案

在美国,无家可归的人数最多, Los Angeles County’s street-based outreach teams are critical to helping people find interim or permanent housing. 解决问题能帮助人们


This program aims to reshape the rehousing system’s culture by engaging people at every service stage, 利用社交网络或名义上的经济援助来解决...

2. 临时住房

临时住房计划提供即时住房, 无家可归者的临时住所. 他们提供安全等基本服务, 躲避恶劣天气的地方, 并帮助人们获得永久住房...

3. 住房导航

住房导航(HN)计划帮助参与者识别, 申请, 搬进永久性住房. Housing Navigation exp和s the permanent housing inventory by actively engaging with property owners, 管理公司, 和房东确定可用的市价住房单位...


4. 永久住房

限时津贴 和
永久性支援房屋 限时津贴 (TLS) programs aid people experiencing homelessness obtain 和 maintain permanent housing. 这些项目为个人需求提供量身定制的支持, 包括个案管理和租赁协助.
永久性支援房屋 provides the most comprehensive housing support within the 协调入境制度 to people experiencing homelessness with significant service needs.